Wednesday, September 30, 2009
FF #1: Sweaterdress
Monday, September 28, 2009
Women's Obsession

How about you? Do you have that

Tag From Sistah Rechie
The first question is:
Do you think your hot?
hmmmm. Yes I am! that's what hubby told me. lol!
Please, upload your favorite picture.

Nobody ( my son loves to play it all the time)
sorry to tell that nothing
a dreamer
I have to look first so stay tune guys!
thinking about financial problems
organizer, wallet and phone
What is your not-fulfilled-yet dream?
to have a stable high paying job
What is your favorite city to stay?
Cebu is perfect for me
Please tag other friends of yours. (I'll be posting the links tomorrow I'm so sleepy already and I have 1 post to be done first before going to bed.) Ohhhh....
Find the Best Web Hosting Provider
If you are also like me longing for the best web hosting provider I am suggesting you to see web hosting geeks. It's a place with full of helpful information about web hosting. When I visited their site I found out that Inmotion is the best. So for you to be able to know the top 10 web hosting providers, their individual features, the hosting reviews and of course to know more about web hosting please simply visit their wonderful site.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Yehey, This is My 505th Post
Actually this blog of mine will be turning 1 year 8 days from now. So what I want to say to all of you is thank you very much for your continuous support. I remember few days from the time I started this blog I started blog hopping right away to promote my blog to other blogs by simply leaving my link on their chat box, but I failed because I don't know how to use the chat! Yes honestly I don't know. I just asked myself how come others were able to leave their links. I was too shy to ask anyone also but still I keep on trying and trying until I made it and reach this journey. Hopefully I have more blogging years to come despite of my busy days at home with my 2 little children.
The Best Alternative for Smoking
Have you heard about Electronic Cigarette? Do you think such thing does exist? I heard some rumors that it's the best alternative for smoking. As part of its benefits are healthier options, cheaper than cigarettes and non flammable. So now it's time to ask yourself if it's the best alternative for smoking base on the given benefits. If you are a little curious to gather some more details about it, simply visit their place.
Upcoming Events that you shouldn't be Miss Watching
Anyway guys speaking of events, there are upcoming events that you shouldn't be miss watching. I know for sure that it will make your time complete. Spending your time with those events won't turn into a waste. For you to be able to watch those events of course you need to visit first Belle Centre Tickets, Terminal 5 Tickets and Great Western Forum Tickets to check the upcoming events listed. If you have the time now please don't wait for tomorrow to drop by there.
Two Months to go Before Christmas

Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Rain Barrels

Anyway guys, are you also using the rain barrels for rain harvesting? Just a share to anyone you can appreciate its usage once you have it at home. It helps us conserving water and saving some bucks for your water consumption. If you want to get your own barrels simply visit rain barrels for sale because they have lots of rain barrels in good quality and affordable prices.
Sunday Stealing: A Fall Meme
It’s not really fall in until...the leaves color turn to gray.
What did you need to do in the waning days of summer for it to feel complete? Spent the moments with the whole family anywhere as long as complete.
A person I know was wrong for me but about whom I frequently thought after a break-up was
...I don't know for this.
If you could only attend one major sporting event what would it be?
Boxing because I never watch it in reality in my whole life.
Assuming that you write an anonymous or partially anonymous blog, by what non-physically identifying characteristics might you be identified in a bar?
I don't know yet, let me think first
Most blogs cover some sort of niche – personal, political, dating, culinary, etc. What topic, if any, would you like to address on your blog but doesn’t fit into your niche?
Culinary because I need to learn and explore some more about it.
If you could manipulate the time space continuum and give as many as three pieces of advice to a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give and to what age of you?
Always concentrate on your studies.- @ the age of 13 til I reached in college.
Follow your dreams-@ the age of 18 when all things got cleared in mind the field of career where I wanted to be in the future.
Love your job- @ the age of 20 til 26 because I keep on changing jobs and looking always for a better one.
Who among your friends do you really wish had a blog because their stories, or perspective on something ought to be shared?
...hmmm my friends have blogs already.
If you were to take an e-cation (vacation from the trappings of our electronic world,) and assuming that employment obligations would allow it, how long of a break could you take? What would you miss the most, the least?
1 month bonding with my family is what I'll miss the most for sure and the least is nothing.
On September 11th of this year, I attended a couple of parties and was somewhat conflicted by the fact that this ignoble anniversary shall pass with it being just another day in the eyes of many (and in some ways my own eyes as well.) Thoughts?
Sorry no parties for me during that time.
How high are your walls? Who was the last person to scale them? What tools should would-be climbers have on their belt?
This is a weird question. You can answer it for me.
The sexiest thing a man or a woman can say to you (or has said to you) is:
Hubby told me that I am!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Pearl Jewelry

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Opportunity of Exposure
Once you have started your search, you can either edit what has been posted or add some information if no information displayed. So if you want to try simply visit caller wiki anytime.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Be Comfy While You're Living
Since you want to put that device, of course we need to hire a good Air Conditioning Contractor to avoid hassles and headaches afterwards. Speaking of hiring a good contractor well you don't need to worry about if where to find it because WC Heating Air Conditioning, Inc. is just there around offering state of the art "total indoor comfort" products and services for residential heating and air. Aside from that they also offer for commercial products and services. So they are already an expert when it comes to Commercial HVAC. So what are waiting? Don't hesitate to call them right away if you want to be comfy while you are living.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Feel Free to Use the Free Phone Number Lookups
Here We Go Again
I reported those problems to the owner and so far he send people over to repair but still they didn't able to do it right because until now we still encountering those problems. I need a good plumber and a good carpenter to repair those things but why the owner can't send those guys here? Oh geezzz... It's really a hassle to us. Hopefully the owner can find the right workers soon.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Do You Want to Know Your Own IP Address?
Anyway guys, do you want to know your own IP address? If so, simply visit this Track IP addresses and yours will automatically display on the screen. Aside from displaying your IP address, it will also display there your IP country code, IP address country, the IP address city, IP address longitude, ISP, proxy and the host of IP. That is how amazing the site is. So start tracking yours now!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Please Let Me Know, I Need Your Help
Thank you so much. Your time is very much appreciated.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Digital Camera
Anyway if you are thinking of buying a new a digital camera you can get it online at New York camera store. Actually they are not selling only digital camera but also other stuffs, just check their website for more details. Regarding their products all are in brand new plus in a very low prices compared to other store out there. So what are you waiting? Go and shop now.
Causes of Hair Loss and How Provillus Can Help
Many of us are afflicted with weak, thinning hair, or hair that easily falls out. Men and women alike suffer from this condition. They may have tried many different over-the-counter products to alleviate the problem, but unless they have tried Provillus, it is likely the results have been less than satisfactory.
Until you know what causes hair loss and how Provillus treats these underlying conditions, you may never be successful at growing your hair. Take a look at the reasons why humans lose their hair, and how Provillus addresses them.
For the most part, hair loss is associated with your genetic makeup. Particularly for men, androgenetic alopecia is a common problem that affects the ability of your hair follicles to continue producing hair. Female pattern baldness is also a genetic condition.
Provillus works by effectively treating the root of the problem – the hair follicles and lack of DHT. With a combination of Vitamin B6, saw palmetto, and pumpkin seed extract, these powerful, natural ingredients in Provillus help strengthen the existing hair and slow production of DHT.
Trace That Number
Have you heard about this trace that number guys? Well, if you don't it's not the end of the world yet, you still have the time to familiarize its importance. To use it is free and for sure you'll be benefited especially if you have lots of unknown numbers to look up, the numbers which always wake you up at the middle of the night. So for you to trace that number simply visit trace that number site.
Entrecard's Another Strategy
Hi Entrecarders! We are excited to launch our new "Referral program!" From now on, you will earn 300 credits for referring new users to join Entrecard. They must be a new user (linked blogs do not count) and must be active for 14 days before the referral credits are given. The referral code is automatically attached to the "get one" link on your widget. We will also provide you with referral banners if you would like to market the referral program on your blog. Just login to your dashboard and click on "Referral Program" to use the banner links. Any new users that you refer will be listed in your dashboard under "Referrals". |
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Bikers Place
Anyway if biking is really your passion and you want to meet someone who is also a biker like you, well there's a place for you to visit and explore. The place that is waiting for you at all times is the Biker Personals. I just met bikers place few days ago and I find it a perfect place for anyone who wants to meet a biker. Joining in bikers place is so simple and easy. Once you are done registering you can start your search right away with no waiting days or weeks to start the service. One good thing there if you want to join is cost free. So what are you waiting there my friends? Start searching your soul mate biker now!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
America's Top 3 Deadliest Jobs

1. Fishers and Related Fishing Workers
2. Logging Workers
3. Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers
So guys among those top 3 mentioned above which one is yours?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Capturing the Beauty of the Night
In here the moon is a little bit fine but it's surrounded by a dark color. So where is the nice color of the sky that I saw? Is this because of the camera? or the sky is just very far for my camera to capture? lol! So those are just some few questions of an amateur like me who loves capturing the beauty of the night.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
09/09/09 is What?

I have read different myths about this the same numbers. In fact I was also kinda obsessed before in doing calculation with the lucky numbers of hoping to be lucky in life. Well, I think we are all lucky even though we encountered difficulties in life. We are still lucky because our creator has given us the chance to experience to be here on earth and witnessed if what really life is. Just a simple thought, for everyday to make life lucky and special, simply do the best you can, learn to appreciate life and cherish it at all times.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Barefooted Kids
Thursday, September 3, 2009
You Try This Guys!
My Air Mattress

Thanks to My Followers
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Debt Management Assistance
So for that, there's a certain agreement called IVA that you can use if you have no prospect yet to pay all your debts. Anyway, IVA is a legally binding agreement between you and all the people and organisations you owe money to (your creditors). So what are you waiting? Let your debt be manage now!