How was your college days? Remembering my own, it was so great. There were lots of activities in school that I joined but one that I really missed was to play college football. I enjoyed watching this kind of sports especially those who are a great player. It is one of my dreams to be one of those known football players but I think it will just remain only as part of my dreams. Don't you think I am aiming high? If you want to excel in this kind of sports I have something for you to go check. It's about playing football game and some other information about this sports. So go check it now.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Photo Hunt #1: Lovely Sunflower

Friday, March 27, 2009
Life is an Art
Do you know that life is an art? Yes it is and it is made up of different arts. Life without art is so boring and meaningless. So to add your life more meaning and the true color just take a look at Michael & Inessa Garmash art gallery and for sure you will say "this is the real art that I have been looking for". I was amazed when I visit their art gallery yesterday and for sure I'll keep visiting the place. If you are looking for a great art works just visit the place and meet their wonderful artists with their fantastic works.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Uber Amazing Blog Award
I got another award from Tripzibit of Unsolved Mysteries in the World. I posted it delayed because of a busy life that I have. Anyway, thanks so much my friend. It is very much appreciated.
Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
- inspires you
- makes you smile and laugh
- or maybe gives amazing information
- a great read
- has an amazing design
- and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing
The rules of this award are:
* Copy the badge and put the logo on your blog sidebar or post.
* Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing!
* Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to this this post and to the person you received your award from.
* Come back and comment here so that your link could be added to the master list of awardees.
I want to share this wonderful award to all my friends here in the blogging world. Please grab it freely. Thanks
Question #1: Cheated Husband or Wife

We know that temptation is anytime and anywhere on earth and if you are really weak to handle it one day you'll just realized that you already cheated your partner. Even to those couples who are always seeing each other everyday, still many of them committed mistakes, they betrayed their husbands or wives. If you are in the situation, what will you do if you have a cheated wife or husband?
First Time Facial Massage

How many times you've tried having a facial massage? If you tried twice, thrice or many times I think you're lucky because I never did in my whole life, but of course I want to experience it someday. Last night I was watching the video of the Aesthetic award winning DVD's for Estheticians and I was amazed. Aside from I enjoyed watching I also learned so many things from it. And made up my mind to have my first time facial massage soon. Moreover, DVD's for Estheticians has also a video of Chemical Peel Training that provides a very informative source of information. And not only that, they have also this microdermabrasion video with the step by step instructions. So if you want to get your own copy of facial massage DVD and other copies just visit their website.
Ask Ms Recipe’s Spring Fling Contest
Ms Recipe has a fling contest and I am one of the sponsors. Hopefully I'll be lucky this time and can get something from it.
First Prize Winner Receives 42,000 Entrecard Credits +Extras from the following Great Sponsors:
The Sugar Buzz Project 1,000 Entrecard Credits + 125 Ad Space 1 Month + 14 PHP Script Package & MRR
- A Journey for Life $5.00 Cash by Paypal
- Lainy’s Musings 1,000 Entrecard Credits+ $5.00 Cash by Paypal
- Ask Ms Recipe 2,500 Entrecard Credits +Top Space 1 Month 125 located in sticky post.
- Diet Recipes 10,000 Entrecard Credits +
Churchies Hideaway 2,500 Entrecard Credit
Life’s a Pizza Pie 2,000 Entrecard Credits
Girl’s are Made of Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice 1,500 Entrecard Credit
- My Point of View 1,500 Entrecard Credits
- Everything has a reason 1,500 Entrecard Credits
- In my kitchen 1,500 Entrecard Credits
- Our Journey to Forever 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Womensselfesteenblog 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Hot Shit Form 1,000 Entrecard Credit
- Nita’s Random Thoughts 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- The Joy of life Forever 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- In Retrospect 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Because Someone Cares 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Written Expressions 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Chronic Chick Talk 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Wiehanne 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Medan Daily 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Life of a Filipina Blogger 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Pictures and Cultures 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Creative Café 500 Entrecard Credits
- E-Pamilya 1,000 Entrecard Credits + 125 Ad Space 1 Month
- Moms…Check Nyo 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Dashing Smiles 1,000 Entrecard Credits +125 Ad Space 1 Month
- The Pinay Blogger 500 Entrecard Credits
- Symphony of Love 125 Ad Space 1 Month
Multiple Themes and Layouts 125 Ad Space 2 Weeks
Second Prize Winner Receives from the following Great Sponsors:
Blog Head Radio 30 Second Internet Radio 1000 Impressions Ad +Click Through Ad
Fickle Minded-A life that is less Ordinary 3,000 Entrecard Credits
Real Man Toys 2,000 Entrecard Credits
Family Health and Me 2,000 Entrecard Credits
My Thoughts in Daily Living 1,500 Entrecard Credits
In the Presence of Vultures 1,500 Entrecard Credits
Thomas Web Links 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Thomas Travel Tales 1,000 Entrecard Credits
A Moment to Exhale 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Random Thoughts 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Rare Ordinary Thoughts 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- My Barefoot Journey 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Simply Wp 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Creations by Carlota 1,000+125 Ad Space 1 Month
A Simple Life 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Free Online Japanese Recipes 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Nurseabie 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Marvz18 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Online Games 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- God’s Best Gift 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Simply Elegant Girl 500 Entrecard Credits
- Loutianren 500Entrecard Credits
Life’s Tricky Situations 500+125 Ad Space 1 Month
Your Online Doctor 125 Ad Space 2 Weeks
Season Episode Online Watch 125 Ad Space 2 Weeks
3rd Place Receives 19,000 Entrecard Credits + Custom Blog Layout and Ad Space:
My Web-blog Custom Blog Layout (Blogger) +125 Ad Space 1 Month
Learn,love, and laugh through blogging 2,500 Entrecard Credits
Wherabouts 1,500 Entrecard Credits
In the Life of Mne 1,500 Entrecard Credits
Techno Mirror 1,500 Entrecard Credits
Walk with Me 1,500 Entrecard Credits
Life’s Sweets and Spices 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Wonderful Things in Life 1,000 Entrecard Credits
My Life’s Adventures 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Marv18 Tech Guide 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Mommy’s Little Corner 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Lovely Pink 1,000 Entrecard Credits+125 Ad Space 1 Month
Iowa Hippie Chick 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Fickle Minded-Wonderful Memories 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Story Sharing Earning 1,000 Entrecard Credits+125 Ad Space 1 Month
Café Café Games 1,000 Entrecard Credits
This is So Me 500 Entrecard Credits+125 Ad Space 1 Month
Winziph|Zipping In 125 Ad Space 1 Month
Winziph 125 Ad Space 1 Month
4th Place Receives 13,500 from the follow Sponsors:
- Doi Speaks 2000 Entrecard Credits
- Confessions of a Fitness Diva 1,500 Entrecard Credits
- Thoughts and Obsessions 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Just Keep Trying 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- In the Eyes of the Beholder 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- I’m Walking on Sunshine 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Babette’s Defintely Maybe 1,000 Entrecard Credits
Through the Rain 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Honey Sweet Learning Center 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Mavierhose 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Abhishhek Deshpande 1,000 Entrecard Credits
- Homemade Remedies 500 Entrecard Credits
- Batuananons 500 Entrecard Credits
- The Designers Blog 125 Ad Space 1 Month
- Streaming-Online Watch 125 Ad Space 2 Weeks
5th Place Receives 10,500 Entrecard Credits+Ad Space:
Everything Plus the Kitchen Sink 1000 Entrecard Credits
- One at a time 1000 Entrecard Credits
- Simple Happy Life 1000 Entrecard Credits
- The Path to the Pegasus 1000 Entrecard Credits
- On the Verge 1000 Entrecard Credits
- Yummy as Can Be 1000 Entrecard Credits
- Made to Worship 1000 Entrecard Credits
- Portuguese Menu 1000 Entrecard Credits
- Health and Beauty Diva 500 Entrecard Credits
- From this Side 500 Entrecard Credits
- Kharlota Dot Com 500 Entrecard Credits+125 Ad Space 1 Month
6th Place Receives 9,000 Entrecards+ Ad Space:
A Taste of Both Worlds 2000 Entrecard Credits
Kusineria sa Amerika 1000 Entrecard Credits
FickleMinded- A Pixel Worth aThousand Words 1000 Entrecard Credits
Vday 1000 Entrecard Credits
Mi Famila 1000 Entrecard Credits
My So-called World 1000 Entrecard Credits
Netsource 1000 Entrecard Credits
The Frugal House Wife 1000 Entrecard Credits+125 Ad Space (TBA)
Chica Chicka 500 Entrecard Credits
Journal of Journey 500 Entrecard Credits
7th Place Receives 6,500 Entrecard Credits+ Ad Space
East Coast Life 1000 Entrecard Credits
Inhale Exhale 1000 Entrecard Credits
- Dirt Track Gone Wild 1000 Entrecard Credits
- The Journey of Life 1000 Entrecard Credits
Lady Programmer 1000 Entrecard Credits
24 Patrol 500 Entrecard Credits
Comp Tech 500 Entrecard Credits
- Live Love Pink 500 Entrecard Credits+ 125 Ad Space 1 Month
8th Place Recieves 4000 Entrecard Credits +Ad Space
My Country Home 1000 Entrecard Credits
Just the tip of the iceburg 1000 Entrecard Credits
- In Memory of 1000 Entrecard Credits
- Erlinda’s Wandering Thoughts 500 Entrecard Credits
- My Daily Sunset 500 Entrecard Credits +125 Ad Space 1 Month
9th Place Prizes 2,358 Entrecard Credits +Ad Space
Blogtactic 1108 Entrecard Credits
- My Online Adventures 500 Entrecard Credits
- Nita’s Corner 750 Entrecard Credit
Pets R My World 125 Ad Space 1 Month(Kid Friendly only)
10th Place Receives 1500 Entrecard Credits
- Filipino Online Community 500 Entrecard Credits
- Healthy Living and Lifestyle 500 Entrecard Credits
- Arts and Entertainment Center 500 Entrecard Credits
Special Prizes from Sponsors: Only open to people who live in one of these countries only. You must include the country you live in to qualify for this drawing. Extra Prizes:
2 Lucky Winners Win 500 Entrecard Credits for the Most Creative Post from:
The Last Person who Enters the Contest will Win 500 Entrecard Credits From:
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Sweet Brigaderio Award for a Sweet Friend Like You
A new friend of mine Ms Meryl of Places, People, Events, Good Food and My Life gave me this Brigaderio chocolate. It's a Brazilian chocolate as what they say and very popular in Brazil but I never tried eating this one. Hope you there could hand me some the real one if you have. Thanks friend for passing this to me, you're such a sweet one like this Brigaderio Brazilian chocolate.

I am passing this to all my friends and visitors who are a chocolate lover. Grab it guys and taste its sweetness. Happy Wednesday All!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Paypal Verification
I tried to verify my Paypal account using my EON card but unfortunately I got a problem linking the 2 accounts. It's not new hearing about this issue because I already heard about it to other users, but what I want to find out is why? Why such problem do exist? Here is the message that I got when I verified my account using EON. Please just click the image to enlarge.

Anyway I'll be calling the bank regarding with this matter. But anyone out there who experienced the same thing here?
Friday, March 20, 2009
Starting Today...
Hello friends, visitors and EC droppers aside from featuring here at the end of my post my first commenter, I'll be giving also free ec credits to the top 3 commentators. I'll not be mentioning if how much credits I'll be giving because it's a surprise. And not only that my monthly top 5 EC droppers will be featured here in my sidebar and of course with free EC credits also will be giving away. So hopefully you'll be one of them.

Thanks to first my commenter:
Outdoor Needs
This past few days I was thinking about my daughter's birthday. Since this coming birthday will be her first birthday so we want it to be especial. We are going to invite our friends and relatives and I want it to celebrate the event outside our house so it would be cooler. Speaking of being held outside the house it means I need a party tent. Well, a dear friend of mine told me a long time ago that she will let us borrow her party tent. Thanks God she's really my savior.
Although I have a friend that has party tent I still want to buy one. I am searching here online and I found a good online store that is selling outdoor needs. Actually, they are a supplier of auto shelters for cars, trucks and motorcycles. Aside from that, they also offer a variety of styles, colors and sizes of backyard canopies and wedding tents. When I go visit their website yesterday I really got attracted to their party tents and the design of their canopies. I think I have to get both a canopy and a party tent. I can also earn from it by renting it to somebody. So If you are looking for an outdoor needs try to check their site and enjoy your time shopping.
Although I have a friend that has party tent I still want to buy one. I am searching here online and I found a good online store that is selling outdoor needs. Actually, they are a supplier of auto shelters for cars, trucks and motorcycles. Aside from that, they also offer a variety of styles, colors and sizes of backyard canopies and wedding tents. When I go visit their website yesterday I really got attracted to their party tents and the design of their canopies. I think I have to get both a canopy and a party tent. I can also earn from it by renting it to somebody. So If you are looking for an outdoor needs try to check their site and enjoy your time shopping.
outdoor needs,
Party tents,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tagging in the World of Blogging
Cacai tagged me. Well guys this is just for fun. Anyway, thanks to you my friend.
Here are the rules for this award :
1. Take a Photo of yourself.
2. Do not change clothes, do not trim the hair, the main image is to be captured.
3. Post a picture that is in edit.
4. Post this instructions.
5. Tag people to show appreciation to them that touch your heart because of their friendly attitude.

Now, I am tagging these wonderful creatures: Chelle, Rechie, Meryl, Yen, Austenfan, Tripzibit, Dhurianne, Tammy, Madz
Please grab it guys whenever your are free. Thanks. Have a great day!
Thanks to my first commenter:
Here are the rules for this award :
1. Take a Photo of yourself.
2. Do not change clothes, do not trim the hair, the main image is to be captured.
3. Post a picture that is in edit.
4. Post this instructions.
5. Tag people to show appreciation to them that touch your heart because of their friendly attitude.

I just woke up when I took this picture and not even washed my face and combed my hair. he hehe! I decided to make it because I have lots of things to do next after this.
Now, I am tagging these wonderful creatures: Chelle, Rechie, Meryl, Yen, Austenfan, Tripzibit, Dhurianne, Tammy, Madz
Please grab it guys whenever your are free. Thanks. Have a great day!
Thanks to my first commenter:
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Baby Walker
It's been a while since I gave birth. My daughter is now almost 7 months and she needs now a baby walker for her to practice walking. We have an old one used by my son on his previous times, but it was broken already because he keep jumping on it. So I have no choice except to get a new one. I am just hesitant guys to buy another one because for sure my son will also ride on the walker. He is only 1 year and 6 months, yet he can understand instructions but you know a baby is really a baby and wants to ride anything. **Sigh** I really don't know if when is the right time to buy.
Baby Walker,
I got these lovely awards a week ago from Trixie of It's a Girl Thing and just got the chance to post it here. Just so busy lately. Thanks so much my friend.
1. I love my husband.
2. My babies.
3. My parents.
4. My brother.
5. My grandmother
6. I love to go shopping.
7. I love to read stories for my babies.
I want to pass this award to my all my friends and my EC droppers. Please feel free to grab it anytime guys. Thanks and God Bless!
For the rules, you have to name 7 things or person that you love then pass this on to 7 other bloggers.
1. I love my husband.
2. My babies.
3. My parents.
4. My brother.
5. My grandmother
6. I love to go shopping.
7. I love to read stories for my babies.
I want to pass this award to my all my friends and my EC droppers. Please feel free to grab it anytime guys. Thanks and God Bless!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I presumed that you heard already about this Salmonella bacteria. Before, it was in the news that we can get it from peanut butter, but lately according to the Department of Health not only in peanut butter but also in eggs and chicken. Oh world! Bacteria is everywhere. So you guys be careful.
Friday, March 13, 2009
2009 Top 5 World's Billionaires
World is facing crisis as we know. Everybody is affected not only the poor people but also the wealthy or the billionaires. I have read that there are 1, 125 billionaires last year, but this year turned to 793 people. So if you are going to calculate it we can get a difference of 332. There's a big dropped, right?
Here's the list of the top 5 World's Billionaires:
1)William Gates III- with $40 billion, Microsoft/U.S.
2)Warren Buffett- with $37 billion, Investments/U.S.
3)Carlos Slim Hel- with $35 billion,Telecom/Mexico
4)Lawrence Ellison- with$22.5 billion, Oracle/U.S.
5)Ingvar Kamprad-$22 billion, Ikea/Sweden
Thanks to My First Commenter:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Perpetual Smiling Blogger Award
A friend of mine and at the same time one of my EC droppers named Tripzibit of Unsolved Mysteries in the World gave me this wonderful Perpetual Blogger Award. Thanks to you my friend for the thoughts.
The Rules:
Copy the questions below. Simply use the first letter of your name/nickname as your answer for each questions. You can’t use any answer twice and don’t use your own name for questions # 3 & 4. After you’re done, tag 10 people.
1. What is your name? Hopeful
2. A four letter word: Hope
3. A boy’s name : Hans
4. A girl’s name : Hazel
5. An occupation : Hacker
6. A color : Henna
7. Something you wear : Hat
8. A type of food : Ham
9. Something found in the bathroom : Hand soap
10. A place : Hawaii
11. A reason for being late : Hacked
12. Something you shout : Help!
13. A movie title : Hoop Dreams
14. Something you drink : Hot Chocolate
15. A musical group : Hanson
16. A street name : Hubo-hubo Street
17. A type of car : Honda
18. A song title: Holy Night
19. A verb : Hire
I was having fun doing this tag. Thanks also to Wiki for helping!
Now it's my turn to pass this to my friends and my EC droppers. Please feel free to grab it guys. Thanks.
Thanks to my First Commenter
The Rules:
Copy the questions below. Simply use the first letter of your name/nickname as your answer for each questions. You can’t use any answer twice and don’t use your own name for questions # 3 & 4. After you’re done, tag 10 people.
1. What is your name? Hopeful
2. A four letter word: Hope
3. A boy’s name : Hans
4. A girl’s name : Hazel
5. An occupation : Hacker
6. A color : Henna
7. Something you wear : Hat
8. A type of food : Ham
9. Something found in the bathroom : Hand soap
10. A place : Hawaii
11. A reason for being late : Hacked
12. Something you shout : Help!
13. A movie title : Hoop Dreams
14. Something you drink : Hot Chocolate
15. A musical group : Hanson
16. A street name : Hubo-hubo Street
17. A type of car : Honda
18. A song title: Holy Night
19. A verb : Hire
I was having fun doing this tag. Thanks also to Wiki for helping!
Now it's my turn to pass this to my friends and my EC droppers. Please feel free to grab it guys. Thanks.
Thanks to my First Commenter
Credit Card
How many credit cards do you have? Despite of the economic crisis that we are facing right now we need to be smart in choosing the best credit company and if which one has a very low interest. Well, at the moment I don't have a credit card and never been applied, but recently I am planning of getting one just for an emergency. Right now I am in the process of credit card comparison. I want to make sure that I can get the best low interest credit card so I don't need to worry about the very high interest. If you are also planning to apply for a credit card just visit credit card comparison site. They are there to guide you and provide the information you need about credit card. Just visit them whenever you're available.
My Day Today

Today's weather here is cloudy and was raining this morning. Despite of the bad weather I went out to activate my EON card and then I went to SM as soon as I was done with my first task. While walking around I remember that I need a new desk lamp because the old one was broken. My son dropped it. My day today is not that bad, yet I am happy because I can see now clearly my laptop and the pressure in my eyes will be minimized.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I Prefer Printed T-shirts
Which do you prefer to wear printed T-shirts or non-printed? For me, I prefer the printed one. I have different colors with different designs of printed T-shirts at home. I am wearing it every time I go to the gym. Lately, I purchased non-printed T-shirts and I am planning to make it printed at T-shirts printing shop. They are using different print techniques and aside from that, customers can make their own design. They have a website so you can visit them anytime you want.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Bag Tag
I got this bag tag from Cacai of Cacai's Step and Journey. She informed me about this tag few days ago but I can't post it yet because I need a photo of my bag with the content but I don't have the chance to take a photo, just today. We're just having fun here so guys don't worry about the robbers. So, here are the rules for this tag.
1. Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you can't go into your closet and pull out your favorite purse! We want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house.
2. List how much it cost. And this is not to judge. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, we’d love to hear it.
3. Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your bag.
Here is my bag that I used recently. As as rule I have to mention here the price of my bag. Its cost is Php450.00, I purchased it with a discount and I remember 2 years ago I purchased it together with my husband. I have no plan to buy a bag at those time, but accidentally I saw this bag and I liked it a lot. Besides, I am collecting native bags.
For the contents of my bag, you can see it above. There's a pen, hand sanitizer, lip gloss, lipstick, body cologne, purse for my coins, wallet, small notebook and medicine for my upset tummy. Those are the very important things I always bring every time I leave the house.
And now it's my turn to pass this bag tag to my friends, and co-bloggers. Anyone who is interested to grab this tag please feel free to do so. Have a nice day and Happy Monday to All.
And now it's my turn to pass this bag tag to my friends, and co-bloggers. Anyone who is interested to grab this tag please feel free to do so. Have a nice day and Happy Monday to All.
Unplug Your Electronic Device

Are you one of those individuals who don't unplug your electronic device after using? According to Chris Kielich from the Department of Energy, "electronic devices consume standby power for one of two reasons. They either have an adapter that will continue to draw electricity or they have devices such as clocks and touch pads that draw power". So if you want to save some money, start unplugging your device now after using. I know it is tiresome to do it over and over again, but if you will just put in mind that you are doing it for a purpose I think sooner or later you will get used to it.
Friday, March 6, 2009
EON for my Paypal Account
I applied an EON account last week of the month of February. Through this way I am hoping to get my small amount I earned from blogging that is still in my Paypal account. Just yesterday I went to the bank to get my card and I am glad that it is now in my hand. At last my waiting moment is over and now I am going to face the world on how to earn more money online. Have fun while earning everyone! Cheers!
Be Comfy and Look Sexy
Do you want to look sexy? Fashion is the number one factor that will add more beauty in our physical appearance. If you have the taste of fashion and know how to handle it I am sure you will look great. In nature, women like to wear different sexy outfits for them to look sexy especially in the eyes of their boyfriends and husbands. Well, what do you think they are wearing for them to look sexy? This is what I just discovered, they are wearing sexy mini skirts.
At Flirty Lingerie you can find different style of sexy mini skirts that will fit for u. So if you want to look sexy and make your especial man drool while he is looking at you wearing the sexy outfit, go visit their website and start shopping. Have fun.
At Flirty Lingerie you can find different style of sexy mini skirts that will fit for u. So if you want to look sexy and make your especial man drool while he is looking at you wearing the sexy outfit, go visit their website and start shopping. Have fun.
My Blog PR Drop
I just noticed today that my blog pr dropped from 2 to 1. I was busy in the previous weeks and I have no time for my blog anymore. I am sad about this bad news because I'm aiming to make it higher. I need now to work hard again. Hopefully it will be back soon or it will turn into higher rank the next time.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Daily Due
Due to economic crisis people are trying to find ways in order to raise funds to start a business. Just few months ago my sister-in-law applied a loan and her way of paying is daily. There's a collector collecting her daily due and just last week she did not able to pay it due to some circumstances happened. She is in big trouble right now and she needs help financially. Yesterday I saw her very sad sitting on their terrace looking in a very far direction. I want to help her but I am also in crisis right now, I can't offer any cash except this information if how she can solve her loan, lawsuit loan will be the answer to her problem. Moment like this lawsuit loan can be trusted. So, I told her about it and now she's in the waiting process.
An Award "Let's Be Friends"
Rechie of Chuchie's Hideway and Chelle of My Life's Events and Anecdotes gave me this nice award. I met them here online in the world of blogging. How nice of you my dear for sharing this award with me. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the thoughts and friendship you've shared.
The "Let's Be Friends" Award represents:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
Now it's my turn to share this to the following...
Dhurianne, Yen, Cacai, Cly, Amiable Amy, Icyents, Tripzibit
Feel free to grab this award whenever you are free. Thanks
Monday, March 2, 2009
LDS Chat City
Different chatting site is spreading like virus over the internet. As times go by there are new created chatting places for the people to have fun with others. When I started chatting 8 years ago I was only familiar with MIRC and yahoo messenger. Those 2 are the only online places where I always visit during my leisure hours. Since people are continue creating new online chatting places, I encountered this LDS ( Latter Day Saints) Chat City. LDS Chat City is a new chatting site and there I can guarantee you will enjoy your boring moments.
Joining in Latter Day Saints Chat City is really free, 100% no charge. If you always love to use free things or stuffs, so this free chatting site is the right one for you. No need for you to worry about money, what matters most now is your happiness. So with the courtesy of LDS Chat City you can reach your dream to be happy in life. All you have to do in order to enjoy their site is simply register. Once your done registering you are then free to use it and of course with matching web cams. So what are you waiting for? Fill out now the form so you can chat right away with their tons of members all over the world. Enjoy!
Joining in Latter Day Saints Chat City is really free, 100% no charge. If you always love to use free things or stuffs, so this free chatting site is the right one for you. No need for you to worry about money, what matters most now is your happiness. So with the courtesy of LDS Chat City you can reach your dream to be happy in life. All you have to do in order to enjoy their site is simply register. Once your done registering you are then free to use it and of course with matching web cams. So what are you waiting for? Fill out now the form so you can chat right away with their tons of members all over the world. Enjoy!
dating sites,
February Top 10 Entrecard Droppers
A million of thanks to these wonderful bloggers for continue dropping their Entrecards. God bless you all. Hope to see you more often.
Dropper | # of drops |
my review | 31 | | 27 |
C'est La Vie | 21 |
The Maiden Testimony | 21 |
I Love-Hate America | 18 |
Singapore Draws | 17 |
Quantum Indonesia Translogistic | 15 |
Unsolved Mysteries In The World | 14 |
Chronic Chick Talk | 14 |
House of Book | 13 |
My Community
Despite of my busy days I still have the time to create my own community aggregator. How about you, what is the name of your community where you belong? Mine is simply the walking mind, this community aggregator is a group of conscious people worldwide. It is really an honor to belong to this kind of community. Anyway, have you heard already about this community aggregator? If you don't, it is like a portal web application that displays weblog posts from a group of related but separately hosted weblogs and this is where I created my own community. So what are you waiting for? Start creating now your own blog aggregators and enjoy your new community.
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