Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday Stealing: Ellie Bellie Meme
what are your most common nicknames? Jov
what is today's weather? a little cloudy
where did go on vacation this year? Mindanao
what did you do there? vacation at the same time celebrate my kids birthday
where did you stay? in my parents place
what job do you do? I'm a member of a SAHM
describe where you live. I live in a simple and small house built in a village.
what do you usually do on weekends? malling, resting, shopping
what food hits your 'bliss spot'? a lot to mention
what drink really does it for you? simply a very cold water
describe the first friend that comes to your head. no comment
what was the last restaurant you went to? Joven's Grill and Seafood Restaurant
where would you like to live if you had unlimited moneys and nothing stopping your dreams? anywhere as long as we are together as a happy family.
what is the likeliness of you achieving this dream home?
what do you like to do in your spare time? shop, blog or relax
what's your favorite genre for TV programs? anything, actually I seldom watch TV
what's your favorite genre for music? rnb
what's your favorite song that's sad? don't like to listen those sad songs
what's your favorite soppy film? ---
how about your favorite chick flick? ---
what are you looking forward to at the moment? get some time to relax
what are you dreading at the moment? nothing at the moment
how would you describe your personality? simple but a dreamer
if you had a personality eraser, what part of yours might you erase? laziness, impatience
you are given $5000 to spend in 1 day, what do you do with it? remember, no limitations!
I'll buy new laptop, new digital camera, buy clothes for the whole family, shoes, toys and if there's an extra we'll go to the beach and enjoy!
what is your biggest fear? losing my family.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The TV Provider that is Right for You
Hello guys, have you ever realized that the right TV provider that is right for you is Direct TV? Being a subscriber of Directv has the full time privilege to enjoy the beauty of life even though you are just staying at your very own home. With Direct TV, it's like you have been traveled to different places. So those are just some of the advantages being their subscriber. If you want to make some comparison with other provider simply visit because they are there to enlighten your mind about the TV provider that is right for you.
No matter where you are or you are planning to move in a place like New York, no need for you to worry because Direct TV in New York is there for you at all times. So don't miss this opportunity, visit them now!
No matter where you are or you are planning to move in a place like New York, no need for you to worry because Direct TV in New York is there for you at all times. So don't miss this opportunity, visit them now!
Friday, August 28, 2009
My New Wishlist
For the past few days I felt lazy since I came back from the province. What I want to do is sleep, eat and go out from the four corner of our place. In short I felt lazy to blog. I have lots of things to do online but it's like I don't feel doing those things. For me to be back here and start working again I decided to make my new wishlist. I think having this list will motivate myself to work back again.
My Wishlist
To raise 100,000 pesos (US $2,000+)
Buy new laptop
Buy new digital camera
Buy clothes
toys for my children
To raise 100,000 pesos (US $2,000+)
Buy new laptop
Buy new digital camera
Buy clothes
toys for my children
What do you think with this guys? Is it too much or I need to add more?
Home Security
In life, security is our first main concern above all things. Whether you agree with me or not it is the truth. Our very own premises is the place where we often stay most of the time, so providing the best Home Security Systems must be prioritize. Home Security is not only making yourself secure but the entire family. I met someone few days ago and she is very keen in terms of home security. She shared a lot of things and I am so thankful because I learned so many bright ideas from her when it comes to home security. The topic is pretty much useful especially that we are on the way in repairing the house. We only need money so we can start soon the repair.
By the way, finding the best home security system is so easy to find. One of them that you can rely on is ADT Security. If you don't know yet, it is the number one home security company in America. What are you waiting? Go now for ADT Security System.
By the way, finding the best home security system is so easy to find. One of them that you can rely on is ADT Security. If you don't know yet, it is the number one home security company in America. What are you waiting? Go now for ADT Security System.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Murrieta Real Estate
Are you planning to invest in a real estate business? This field of business is not a big joke because it involves thousands and millions of money or it could be billions. Since we're talking about money matters here, you really need to find a good and reliable real estate agent to handle or assist you when it comes to buying any property. If you are planning in purchasing pretty soon one good firm that you can count on is Murrieta Real Estate & Murrieta Foreclosures. Try to visit them because they are willing to help their clients with full support.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Back in Cebu
These photos below were taken last night in the ferry we were riding on our way back to Cebu City. I have story to tell about the ferry we rode back here but I'll just post it here if I'm done with my transactions today which is the reason why I return right after a few days off from online world. This is just a quick update after my absences. For sure I'll be blog hopping tonight guys; I miss a lot being online especially my pindot classmates. See yah all later!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Lovely Costumes

I tried to search online from different online store the prices of toddler Halloween Costumes for my kids because we are planning to let them experience attending a party this coming November. Since I want my kids to look gorgeous during that event, finding their lovely costumes online quite makes me busy, but it's fine because I love doing it. I can't wait looking at them wearing the lovely Halloween Costumes that I'm going to get. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I can have those lovely costumes that I have been looking for.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Burluloy Fever
I am fond of collecting Burluloy (accessories), maybe you'll be wondering if what will I do with all these burluloys I have. I just collect them and hide in my drawer. For some of my burluloy collection, here they are... Aren't they all look nice guys?
Saturday, August 15, 2009
They are on Sale!
Car Insurance Company
Choosing the best car insurance company for your own car is a good decision to be made. When it comes to your own protection you don't need to be cheap. Get the best car insurance company that has a very reliable protection for you to be safe while you are on the road. Few months ago, hubby's car was hit by a reckless driver while he was on the road. It had caused some damage on his car but since hubby has the best car insurance company all the expenses were covered by his car insurance. For your own safety get now the best car insurance in town.
Friday, August 14, 2009
I am Thinking of...
Hey guys, how are you? I hope you are doing great. You know what I am thinking of having giveaways as a celebration of my babies birthday. My son will be turning 2 yr old this 29th of August and my daughter will be 1 yr old this 20. Today is the 2nd time for my son to leave me again with his grandma going to the province of Mindanao. I will be missing him again for sure and his sister too; after a couple of days we'll be following them there and stay for a week I think. For my giveaways I'll think it again tonight.
Happy Weekend everyone!
Learning Math in an Easy Way
Math is a subject that many students find it difficult to understand. Yes it's true and that's what I felt when I was a student. But I am lucky because I passed all my math subjects without a failing grades till I graduated in college. Learning Math is fun, but even though it is fun there are still students who couldn't afford to have fun while learning Math. They need Math help badly. Anyway, if you are one of those students who need assistance and wants learning math in an easy way I am introducing to you It is an online math tutoring site for those who want to learn math in an easy way. They are offering free Math help.
Learning has no age limit, you can learn Math anytime you want just visit the site that is offering a free online math tutor. This online math help is very helpful to anyone. They are also offering an unlimited monthly tutoring package for only $99.99 per month for all subjects. As part of the service you can use it anytime you want. For the first timer who wants to avail the free online math tutoring service simply visit their website.
Learning has no age limit, you can learn Math anytime you want just visit the site that is offering a free online math tutor. This online math help is very helpful to anyone. They are also offering an unlimited monthly tutoring package for only $99.99 per month for all subjects. As part of the service you can use it anytime you want. For the first timer who wants to avail the free online math tutoring service simply visit their website.
Google Logo
I noticed that the logo of our father google is keep on changing all the time. I love looking at it anyway. Few days ago I took an snapshot of the logo and here is the one with the falling star. Try to take a glance in the first photo. The next image after it is what I have found few minutes ago when I visited their website. Anyway, could you explain to me why they come up with that 2nd logo at this time?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Kids Backpack and Nap Mat
As a mom I love buying stuff for my children. It is such a nice feeling watching at my kids happily playing and using the things that I bought for them. I want the best for my children and as a mom I'll do anything to give them a good life and provide the things that they need. My son will be turning 2 yrs. old 2 weeks from now. At his age he loves to write and play. He is also learning to read the alphabet and do the counting stuff. For my son to develop his skills and for him to start learning more, hubby and I are planning of enrolling him in a toddler class. Speaking of enrolling I need a kids backpack for him, for his things. I looked online and these stephen joseph quilted backpack and stephen joseph backpack are the kids backpack that catches my attention. I like their color combination and the design. Actually the online store where I found the items are not only selling backpacks but also kids nap mats and other children stuff.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Nuffnang's New Look
It was few weeks ago when I last visited the nuffnang site. Yesterday I visited them again to know if what's going on after my last visit. While opening their site I was amazed because of their new look. So at last they decided to change their image after a long time bearing with the old one.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Art Lover
The love of an art keeps flowing on my body till recently. I really love art and I appreciate the beauty of art especially Ford Smith Art. If you have not heard about Ford Smith, I want you to know him and meet him by visiting paragon fine art. The site is filled with different artworks made by their different artists and Ford Smith is one of them. Artist plays a big part for those people who love and appreciate the beauty of art; if you are one of those who appreciate and value an art kindly visit Ford Smith to know more about him and his artworks.
Complete Phone Trace
Our technology nowadays is becoming more advance and still keep on enhancing as time goes by. As I remember my college days that I received lots of unknown callers showing their unknown different numbers. For those times I didn't know yet that complete phone trace was available already for us to use for the phone number trace. Being a receiver receiving different unknown callers every day is very frustrating. Well, I don't know about you if you feel the same way as I do. For this new generation with a very advance technology I felt very lucky because I am one of the lucky users who got benefited especially the complete phone lookup. For anyone who would like to use the service can get a very good result of the information that you want to find out. So if you are one of those creatures experiencing the same thing when I was in college, I think this service is good for you.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Winter Photos
I have here few winter photos taken by my husband few months ago. I love looking at these great pictures. Well, how about you?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Kansas Man Won Again!
I just read few minutes ago about a Kansas guy for being lucky guy again. He won big in a lottery for the 2nd time this year. He's lucky huh? And for sure he is celebrating his victory this time. Remembering those times when I played the lottery, I was obsessed to win. Imagine I played everyday and I spent hours a day analyzing and matching the numbers. When I wake up in the morning the first thing came in my mind was the lotto result. The lottery really made me crazy for a short period of time. But luckily few months after I played and didn't win anything, I realized that I need to stop playing because I am only wasting my money. For me to stop my obsession I just put in mind that out of 1 million players only 1 player would be lucky. So after that my obsession of winning from the lottery was over. Life is just like that. This Kansas man is just lucky for being the winner out of those 1 million players who keep on playing the lottery everyday.
Friday, August 7, 2009
DC31 Price Comparison Site
Smart shoppers usually make some price comparison first before purchasing the item that they wanted to buy. Are you one of those smart shoppers? If you say yes, so try to take a look at dc31 where you could find different prices in different store. Once you will visit the site you will see right away on the front page a great comparison of prices from different store. The site is an award winning website with prices updated every hour and the last but not the least the place where you could find the cheapest prices. So just try to check it!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Are You Willing to Spread the Word for Charity?
Spreading has a corresponding amount of money to be shared by the world's hotel search engine which is the; if you are going to blog it then they will give $20 to the charity, if you tweet $10 and being a facebook fan is $5. So what are you waiting? Start spreading the word now!
I Wasn't Able to Log In
Awhile ago when it's my schedule to drop ec and do some blog hopping I was disappointed because I wasn't able to log in to my blogger account. My mind was wondering if what's really happening. I tried to log in to entrecard and just drop ec but when I opened some blog hosted by blogger still I got the same message same as when I opened my own blog. Oh, I was really worried because I thought someone is trying to hack my computer. Well, I don't know about hacking if how it works so I really can't determine 100% if hack or not. Well, what I did I shut down my computer and restart it and luckily the problem is over.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Denver Search Engine Optimization
Nowadays different types of businesses are promoting their business through having a websites. Yes, through a website but it should be rich in graphic design, programmed well and of course using the search engine optimization. Once all those mentioned above are all present there's no way that your business would not be successful like others. Anyway, when it comes to building websites and marketing I want you to meet Denver Search Engine Optimization. They are there to help you in building a good website, not only an ordinary website but with the elements to make your website successful and profitable.
Make Your Home and Love Ones Secure

It's been part of our life to make our own home secure and of course our love ones living inside of it. But until now there are still some individuals who are still blind and wondering if how to do it right. Actually, there are many ways but the simplest way is by putting your home with a keyless lock. We could find it at; their products are for sure in good and high quality design. By just looking at the sample in the photo you'll find it very tough destroying it. Actually I am grateful because someone introduced this kind of item to me few days ago. We have an ongoing house project so I'll be using keyless lock to make everything secure.
For the past months I had seen on television that there were many houses opened by robbers because of poor lock quality. Since we are talking here about our life security and property it would advisable for us to get the best lock security like keyless lock. For you to order simply visit their site or you can call them with the phone number provided on their site.
For the past months I had seen on television that there were many houses opened by robbers because of poor lock quality. Since we are talking here about our life security and property it would advisable for us to get the best lock security like keyless lock. For you to order simply visit their site or you can call them with the phone number provided on their site.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Perfume Shopping

Anyway, if you are into the plan of fragrance shopping I know a shopping store that is selling variety of fragrances, from Cologne to perfume. The store place is I came up also of buying a Cologne for my mother. I'm sure she will have a great smile if I'll give her one.
So if you are on the way to shop visit first But before I'll go I want you know that they are not only selling fragrance but anything that you need. So shop now!
Thank You So Much Droppers
Here's the list of my top 10 EC Droppers for the month of July.
Jean Squared
atenean101 @ Blogspot
Mom's Place
Bits and Pieces
Wires and Circuitz
Chuchie's Hideway
Chizmosa Lounge
Cacai's Steps and Journey
atenean101 @ Blogspot
Mom's Place
Bits and Pieces
Wires and Circuitz
Chuchie's Hideway
Chizmosa Lounge
Cacai's Steps and Journey
Monday, August 3, 2009
Baby Born with 2 Heads
Here is the photo of a baby girl named Arciaga that was born in the Philippines with 2 heads. The baby was delivered on Tuesday by a 29 year old mother through cesarean section. According to the doctor, baby girl Arciaga was born with 2 hearts contained in 1 sac, which is a very rare case. The heads have separate brains and spines but share most other vital organs including kidneys and lungs.
"The rate of survival will depend on the shared organ. If they only have one heart, they will not survive," the unidentified spokeswoman told local radio. So we'll just see if what will happen next.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Make Your Search on Rapidshare
For how many years I have been searching music and video, all i know is yahoo. I love listening music and watching videos on the net; it simply relieves my stress. Sometimes I can't avoid to be stressed out especially if I'm facing problems. Aside from blogging, searching music and videos online is what I really love to do. It is fun! While searching something new I met Rapidshare and I'm now into Rapidshare Search when searching music, video and games. So how about you, why not make your search on Rapidshare?
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