Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Teacher Resigns Because of Facebook

I have read another shocking article yesterday proclaiming the reason why the teacher and at the same time a football couch resigned from his work. The alarming reason behind it is the well- known social network, Facebook. The person was accidentally uploaded his nude photo to his Facebook account and it was on air for about 10 minutes. Supposed to be he's going to send the photo to his girlfriend but maybe that was just his unluckiest day. The parents of his students were protesting for that unfortunate incident of this football couch, so as a result, he rendered his resignation to his recent profession which is a sad note to think about.

I have read numerous articles related to this case, people experienced grief for being a Facebook user. I hope with all these cases we as users should take an extra careful. As much as possible give yourself a limitation. In short don’t expose almost everything to that public network.

1 comment:

  1. the uploader should be take extra care.. tama ka dyan sis!! pero this incidents may be avoided if they don't have nude pictures taken at all.

    >> i just don't understand why do they have to take photos wearing/doing things that should be private!!!

    >> padalaw lang :)


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