Acquiring basic skills at an early age guarantees proficiency - everyone can become proficient in
reading, math or music, so long as they begin learning as babies.
Make learning fun and teach your baby with Brillkids’ Little Learner. This is suitable for ages four months and up, you can use Little Reader to teach your child to read basic words, phrases, and even complete stories.
It incorporates methods developed over several decades by experts in the early learning field and takes advantage of the right-brain learning capabilities of children during the critical early years.Combining these proven methods with the power of software and the internet, Little Reader gives you and your child.
reading, math or music, so long as they begin learning as babies.
Make learning fun and teach your baby with Brillkids’ Little Learner. This is suitable for ages four months and up, you can use Little Reader to teach your child to read basic words, phrases, and even complete stories.
It incorporates methods developed over several decades by experts in the early learning field and takes advantage of the right-brain learning capabilities of children during the critical early years.Combining these proven methods with the power of software and the internet, Little Reader gives you and your child.
To the busy moms out there this will really help you.
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