Friday, October 31, 2008
Don't Know Where to Spend Holidays?
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My Disclosure Policy
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Development of 2 Mos. Old Baby
Now that she's 2 months old she now enjoys watching complex toys and other colorful objects. So, this is the ideal time to introduce plastic toys and soft balls to your infant. The simpler bi-color or tri-color rattles may be supplemented with more colorful balls or cartoon-based colorful plastic/ rubber toys which she can watch or hold in her hands. You can go for a good quality baby gym for your girl at this juncture. She may also have a lovely time watching musical merry go round hung over her cradle or beddings.
As she's growing up, her sleeping pattern has changed. Her waking hours are also becoming longer. Now she requires only one or two feeds in midnight. This in turn implies that she is going to sleep the whole night, and the period of sleepless nights for you is almost over. She is all set to sleep for as longer hours, as long as ten hours together, and likewise wake up for equivalent hours. This will substantially bring your life to normal routine and make you feel better about the fresh way of life with an infant by your side.
Your little one is also gaining control over her body parts. She's improving the coordination of hands, eye and mouth. Her neck muscles are also getting stronger. Now she can raise her head higher and for rather longer period. Though her neck is still not wholly in her control, she is able to move it at her will from side to side. She is gaining weight and getting stronger. She is able to focus on objects seven to eight inches away from her and keep track of their movement with interest. She also smiles and cries to emote.
If your child shows differently to what is written above, don't you worry because each child is unique, some shows at early stage and some are late.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Early Learning for Baby
reading, math or music, so long as they begin learning as babies.
Make learning fun and teach your baby with Brillkids’ Little Learner. This is suitable for ages four months and up, you can use Little Reader to teach your child to read basic words, phrases, and even complete stories.
It incorporates methods developed over several decades by experts in the early learning field and takes advantage of the right-brain learning capabilities of children during the critical early years.Combining these proven methods with the power of software and the internet, Little Reader gives you and your child.
To the busy moms out there this will really help you.

Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Benefits of Belly Dance
*Improved Posture and Muscle toning. Our spinal column contains more bones and ligaments than any other part of the body. Its 33 vertebrae are stacked together in a column joined together by cartilage and ligaments, and almost every movement of the torso depends upon its flexibility and function. Muscle groups that attach to the ligaments and vertebrae create movement in the trunk and pelvis areas. Raks sharki tones these muscles and maintains flexibility in a safe and effective manner.
During the dance, the movements of hip drops, circles, figure eights, and shimmies put the joints and ligaments in the lower back and hip through a full range of gentle, repetitive motion. This movement helps increase the flow of synovial fluid (nature's lubricant) in these joints. When movements are done properly, the pelvis is tipped forward, or tucked somewhat; a neutral position that can help prevent lower back problems. Raks sharki can help relieve stress to the back, counteracting the almost constant compression of the disks that occurs from sitting and a sedentary lifestyle.
These toned muscles improve posture and help prevent back pain that can be caused by the unnatural curving forward of the spine that occurs when muscle groups are weak (lordosis). Small muscle groups deep in the back that are normally under-exercised are used and strengthened. The muscles surrounding the hip, the largest joint in the body, are used and exercised during hip drops, and figure eights, enhancing flexibility and suppleness. Improved hip flexibility can lead to improved balance when walking as well.
Arms and Shoulders are exercised when doing lifts, circles, or the rippling motions of snake arms, toning muscle. This toning effect is often evident early on, since holding the arms aloft are an important element of the dance, even for beginners.
Because a woman is on her feet, moving during the dance, it is considered a weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing exercise can prevent osteoporosis and strengthen bones, and the overall toning can lead to an improved self-image, as the dancer becomes more balanced and poised. Raks sharki is considered a low-impact exercise, meaning the risk of injury is minimal when movements are done correctly. The benefits of belly dance can be enjoyed by women of all ages; men and children are participating in the dance as well, and reaping the same benefits.
Many dance classes take place only once or twice a week. For even better results and enhanced cardiovascular benefits, try combining the flexibility and muscle strengthening of raks sharki with an aerobic routine, such as swimming or bike riding, on the days you don't have class. Your entire body will feel the benefits as the aerobic exercise works large muscle groups, and the dance enhances strength and coordination of small muscle groups in the trunk, hips, and arms. Also, many exercise physiologists recommend doing just such a routine: alternating one form of exercise with another, for maximum benefits.
*Preparation for childbirth. The movements of raks sharki make an excellent prenatal exercise regimen that strengthens the muscles used during the childbirth process. The toned abdominal muscles and natural hip tucks, which are similar to the "pelvic rocking" taught during prenatal classes, teach the expectant mother how to move her pelvis. For women who desire natural childbirth, this form of exercise through dance, with its emphasis on muscle control not only facilitates natural childbirth, but also makes an excellent post-natal exercise that helps encourage abdominal tone. During those first weeks after giving birth, when caution is needed while healing from the birth process, these movements work the muscles gently and effectively, if done very gradually.
One effect of stress is that our bodies tense up, causing contractions or spasms in muscle groups, such as those in the neck, shoulders, or back. When a muscle is contracted, lactic acid builds up, causing the "soreness" or pain that occurs. Blood flow to the affected muscles decreases as well.
Raks sharki, on the other hand, gently stretches and uses these vulnerable muscle groups, and as they are utilized, blood flow increases and lactic acid is flushed away. Stressed muscles relax as they are gently exercised, relieving the "clenched" muscles often seen in our society. The body becomes supple and limber, and practitioners frequently report that pain diminishes in the back and neck areas.
So what are you waiting guys? Get involve now. If too busy to enroll in a class you can get a DVD tape and do it at home. So Have Fun!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
How to Burn Calories?
Defining Calorie, it is a unit of energy-producing potential equal to this amount of heat that is contained in food and released upon oxidation by the body. In fact, calorie has several definitions.The common usage of the word calorie of food energy is understood to refer to a kilocalorie and actually represents, therefore, 1000 true calories of energy. A calorie is also known as cal, gram calorie, or small calorie. People are anxious on how to burn calories in the fastest way, why? It's because when burning fast losing of weight is also fast at the same time. The best exercise for burning calories is cardio-aerobic.
For everybody to have an idea, below are samples of cardio-aerobic exercise: