What can you see about these two little creatures? Do they look twins to you? Wherever we go many people thought that my two kids are twins. Hmmm... Well, they absolutely look like it but they are actually not!
Yesterday when the weather was nice to us we went to the park and play. Yet cold but it was fine than rain which we always have here in BC. The weather sucks here. I can't blame my kids to be jumping for joy when they see sunshine and beg me to take them out from jail.
My son is on school break now for two weeks so home most of the time then. Anyway, I took some great photos (wink) of them on our last outdoor moment.
Looking at the Park map. Looks so true.
Pretending they are on sparring. (It's son's thought) lol!
Have a break after a few meters walk. Click! lol!
Well, thanks for dropping by folks. I hope my kids photos entertained you for awhile.